Reader Magazine Submissions
READER MAGAZINE accepts English language articles from authors of any ethnicity, gender, or demographic, with no upper age limit
What we do want.
Original, well written pieces of the right length that readers will enjoy.
What we don’t want.
Anything that contains…
- Unnecessary or excessive profanity
- Pornography
- Misogyny / sexism
- Religious hatred
- Racism
- Homophobia or gender-based hatred
We understand that in telling stories, characters may express some of the above and the editors of READER MAGAZINE will make a decision as to whether the material is acceptable.
To submit, you must be over 18 years of age.
We are keen to publish humour but as a genre it falls into both fiction [funny stories] and non-fiction [a funny take on a factual subject] so we will treat it as its own category for submission purposes.
Fiction guidelines
Short stories should not be longer than 5000 words and preferably appeal to a wide audience. Our aims, borrowed from the BBC, are to educate, inform & entertain, and it is primarily, though not exclusively, through fiction [and poetry] we hope to entertain. We also accept short films and plays of any length.
Non-fiction guidelines
This section covers articles on anything from Art to Finance, Travel to Cooking...pretty much anything factual. Submissions should be no more than 5000 words and suitable for a non-specialist readership. That means they shouldn’t expect a significant degree of background knowledge, should not be written in overly technical language or, unless humorous, deal with an obscure subject. All of which means we want the readers to get involved with what you write. If it matters to you, write it so it will matter to your readers.
We would like to publish poetry, but RM hopes to build a wide audience of varied tastes, enthusiasms and dislikes. One thing is certain, the bulk of whatever audience we garner will not be predominantly made up of professional poets, poetry publishers or poetry critics, so what we publish will probably never win any prizes, but we hope it will entertain [along with fiction].
See our Ts&Cs for full submission guidelines here.
How to send us your article
Many people now access online content by smartphone and ‘text plus audio’ would be considered standard for content submissions. We also will accept submissions in video form according to the guidelines below.
Text Content
Please send your submission in an email, either in the body text or as an attached document.
Document format can be: .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, pdf*
*pdf should be text only with the ability to copy text allowed in the security settings.
Attached documents should NOT contain any images.
Please insert Fiction, Non-fiction, Humour or Poetry in the subject box.
Emails should be sent to: Turn on Javascript!
Please supply images by email clearly stating the submission with which they are associated and author name. Acceptable formats are: .jpg, .jpeg, or .png. There is a maximum of 6 images per article. You must own the rights to these images.
Audio Content
You will need an account with an online audio distribution platform such as Spotify or Soundcloud. We recommend reading their documentation and tutorials to familiarise yourself with procedures for uploading your recording.
After recording your article, upload to your chosen platform and send us a link to your recodring via email to: Turn on Javascript!
To get a link from Soundcloud navigate to your recording and click 'Share'. In the pop-up window that opens, click the symbol (paper aeroplane symbol) for 'Share via email', or copy and paste the displayed URL into the body of an email addressed to us.
To get a link from Spotify navigate to your recording and click on the three dots (⋅⋅⋅) next to the play button. In the dialogue box that opens, hover over 'Share' and click on 'Copy Episode Link' (Could be 'Copy Song Link' depending on your set up) - paste the URL into the body of an email addressed to us.
Video Content
You will need an account with either Vimeo or YouTube. We recommend reading their documentation and tutorials to familiarise yourself with procedures for uploading your video.
After recording your article, upload to your chosen platform and send us a link to your recodring via email to: Turn on Javascript!
To get a link from Vimeo navigate to your recording and click on the 'Share' button (paper aeroplane symbol). Paste the following email address in to the 'Send Email' field then be sure to select that address as a recipient on the box that appears underneath. Fill in the 'Your Message' box being sure to tell us your (the author) name. Click 'Send'.
To get a link from YouTube navigate to your recording and click on the 'Share' button (arrow). Click 'COPY' and then paste the link into the body of an email addressed to: Turn on Javascript!